Friday, April 22, 2011



Some things start out great and fizzle – others the other way round.  Maddi scheduled a car service for 12:15PM on line, because that had the best rates of course, and the clever car company had no place for another stop – essential for Patricia to get to the airport too. Maddi – careful to be sure all would begin well -made sure to let then know in the comments section about  second stop.   A sedan was ordered and all seemed well.

Did they send a sedan – Nah
Did the driver get out of the car to help with the luggage at Maddi’s w/o some prodding – Nah
Did the driver know that there was another stop – nah

But we got to the airport in plenty of time and relaxed and nibbled in the first class lounge for a bit then boarded the flight to LA.  Ms. G in First Class and Ms.R in Business. Short story – not very interesting

After a brief layover in LA at the Hoo Hah lounge for Air New Zealand we boarded the flight to Auckland.    We were booked for Business Class. Talk about HOO HAH.  We boarded first, of course, and walked into a brand new Airbus with lavender lighting to our white leather and silver Individual metal/plastic pods.    Oh me oh my – where to begin.  White leather seats with a small brown footrest that could double as a guest seat should you have a guest. Sooooo many toys and so little time. TV screen with games, movies, huge selection of music to build your own playlist,  and a gigunda dining tray that slides tight into the wall.  The whole cabin looks like a 2 row herringbone with 4 seats across. And oh my ,the service.  Suffice to say there was a window in the bathroom – better than many NY apartments, and when dinner was over for Pat while she watched and for me when I was off to the facilities the cabin staff flipped to seat around, put a mattress down gave us 2 pillows and a comforter and off we went to sleep.  The service was incredible and we agreed that with all the flying we have done this was probably the best flight we were ever on.

Arrived in Auckland just fine and found everyone so far about as pleasant and friendly as possible. We have a two bedroom suite in the center of town – with a washer and dryer yet – (we will do laundry just for the hell of it) and we go to explore Auckland.

Auckland – Day 1    The Wayward Wind

We have a song theme here – if we can be very creative ---- maybe a movie or show title as we progress!

Let’s start this blog by saying we are both seasoned travelers having been to, between us, over 125 countries (some together some not).  And as the title of the blog suggests, this is our 7th and final continent.  When we travel we are looking for the distinctiveness of that country in which we find ourselves.  We live in the greatest city in the world, we have towers and harbors and restaurants and museums and parks (you get the picture) so if you send us to a city it best be very special.  Local color as it were.  So, on to our first day in New Zealand.

Arriving on Good Friday did not help our day in Auckland (which is all we had).  It’s a national holiday so most stores and restaurants are closed.  It’s getting on to Fall so the visitors were not large in number.  We didn’t have to wait on line for anything.  Suffice it to say that the highlight of our stay in Auckland was the hotel room.  Rather, suite, if you don’t mind. Two bedroom, two bathroom suite with laundry room, kitchen, and living room and flat screens abounding.  Per today’s song title, the weather was not conducive to wandering either.  Drizzled a lot. 

The good news – receptionist told us we had breakfast included BOTH days.

Auckland from the Ferry

Sailboats In Auckland Harbor
The bad news – it wasn’t true

Here's a beauty that's only $2.5 Million - beach views
call me!!!!!
Conveniently, our hotel was located in the Harbor area and we were able to walk to it where we took a harbor cruise.  Not the prettiest harbor in Christendom! Reminded Pat of Toronto and Maddi of Seattle, but not as nice. And it was breezy on the water to say the least. There we took a ferry to Devonport, an island/peninsula with lovely and VERY EXPENSIVE old Victorian houses - also known for its view of the harbor and Auckland! We had a nice lunch of fish and chips, which we shared because otherwise we would have run out of money on day two (very expensive country).

We went back to the hotel, did laundry, because it was free and we just had to! And the next thing we knew, we were both asleep by 6PM.  Here it is 6AM on Saturday, our guide is picking us up at 9AM and off we go to see more of Auckland (maybe) and on to Rotorua, (Roto Rooter in our lingo)one of the reasons we are on the on the North Island. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an incredible 2 days. Hope you have enough money! I'll PayPal you some shcekles ifneed be.

    Have fun, miss you tons.
