Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 3 - Rotorua to Napier

Champagne Springs

Day 3 – Mountain Greenery

Nothing like a good night’s sleep in our next suite with bedroom and living room with pullout couch, kitchen and bathroom with full spa.  Up early, got a bunch of things done and were all ready to face the day. Open the door and take a deep breath of fresh air – ah, not quite. This is a hot springs town and you get a deep breath of rotten eggs. Feh.

After room service breakfast we went off to see this smokin’ town.  Hot bubbles are all over the place – some had bubbly water and some bubbly mud.  Left to our own devices we only got a little lost in a park of steam but in the end all was well.  Off to Taupo – another lake and on the way stopped at another hot springs park Wai-O-Tapu. The pools here were a lot more interesting and one in particular called Champagne Lake had some wonderful soft colors as the chemicals rose to the surface and settled near the shore.
Sheep on a HIllside

Then off to Taupo and a lakeside lunch followed by a long drive to Napier. Some reading, some napping and some more fabulous scenery watching and photography.   
Mountain Greenery

We arrived at Napier for another multi room suite (tonight was Pat’s turn to be the grownup in the big bedroom) and we went out for a walk in this Art deco town on the beach.  Not as dramatic as South Beach but pretty cool.   Had a lovely fish dinner and then retired for the evening ready for tomorrows marathon drive to Wellington.       


  1. Hi Ladies,
    Sounds fantastic with a bit of just alright thrown in to keep you humble and keep your friends' envy within reason.

    Rained here all day yesterday. This morning was glorious but the clouds are back and rain is predicted for tomorrow and Tuesday. You will be missed at the board meeting tomorrow night. Best, Terry

  2. Hi Maddy...Am reading your blogs and it made me look up my notes from the trip to New Zealand and Australia just a mere 19 years ago. The most beautiful place I recall was a boat trip on a very large lake...sea... in the South Island just before we got to Christchurch. It was truly a breath taking experience. I will have to play my VCR tapes ( long time digital cameras then) to refresh all my memories.
    Continure to have a great time and keep the comments coming. Anne Marie
    P.s. I had the same comfort experience on my flight to South Africa on Africa Air, last year.The only way to go...yes???????
