Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 11 - Play Misty for Me

Day 11 - Play Misty for Me

We had an early rising on the boat since breakfast was at whatever time SHARP and there were very specific instructions about when to do what so they can keep everything running. It was by far the warmest night we have had so far. Teeny cabin + large radiator = heaven. It was dark when we got up, but that's the case every day. The sun doesn't come up until 7ish. The chef had a full buffet breakfast ready and then we went outside. It was so calm on the water they never put the sails up. There is something called the Sounds of Silence, it is done in Australia as well at Uluru Rock, where there is not a sound in the world, except maybe a bird or two (and the morons on the boat who don't understand what "please be quiet" means). With water like glass, not a breeze rustling, so peaceful and eerie at the same time. Stood for about 10 minutes listening to the silence.
Doubtful Sound

Beautiful Misty Scenery
When we got off the boat, bus, boat journey return, John was there to meet us and off we went for the next and soon to be last leg of our journey in NZ. The day was not nice weather wise. Lots of overcast sky and breezy cool temperatures so we headed east towards Dunedin and the yellow eyed penguins and albatrosses. We learned there are 40 million sheep in NZ and we saw every one of them. Finally got John to stop at the side of the road to take some up close and personal sheep shots; sheep, not the rolled and bailed kind (see left), We had a picnic lunch in the car and kept rocking and rolling. On straight to Dunedin for two nights instead of one - YAY a 2 night stay. - first in the trip.

One in millions (Patricia)
On a hill on the Otago Peninsula there is a castle. We were supposed to stay in it but there was no room. The result was we were ensconced at the Camp Estate. The Castle has an additional manor house, built for the overflow, where we had a room with a fireplace (gas but warm) and just beautiful - the Camp Estate.

We had dinner with John at a lovely little place in a town called Portobello and then up the foggy mountain to our estate. The wind howled all night but we were cozy in our down covered beds and fireplace warmed room.

Tomorrow we are off to see Dunedin, walk around a little, something we haven't done a lot of and see some wildlife in the wild.

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