Sunday, May 15, 2011

Days 23-25 - Lazy Bones

Sorry no pix today - free and SLOW internet.

Today was our R and R day. We did a whole lot of nothing really. We each found a quiet spot either in the back of the room or by the pool, read, listened to music, did some math puzzles and played cards. We went over to the Kakadu bakery for lunch and to buy our dinner (one night of 30 dollar fish and chips in the hotel was enough), which we ate in the room. Food here is extraordinarily expensive and not really very good. Even the natives think everything here is expensive, which it is and the dollar to dollar is in Australia's favor by about 20%. So a quiet cheap day. Tomorrow we are off on our last tour of Kakadu, which it seems may be the German word for Cockatoo, go figure.

A bit of back story. We received a phone call in Darwin that our tours in Kakadu had been cancelled due to the fact that the rains had not subsided enough to travel inland. We called our travel agent, she found out for us that it was just the one Saturday tour. That's why we had a day of rest. Since there were some changes we were to get new vouchers and a new schedule before we left Darwin, which we didn't. So Sunday comes and we are up early (again) to meet our guide at 7:15. While we are waiting we are told the pick up is 7:50. For us morning is not the best time of day to make things earlier than they already are. To add insult to injury, when all these changes happened, we asked for some "compensation" for our inconvenience. They agreed to upgrade us to the "first class" hotel ( quotes important here) and to add breakfast which has not been included at all. We had a lovely breakfast on Saturday and went back on Sunday, AFTER which we were told it was not included for both days - just one. Guess who was not happy. $27.00 PER PERSON AU which is about 30US. Pat had a bowl of cereal and some tea. We think it worked out to 25 cents a flake!!! So now we are discussing this issue with the travel agent. On to more exciting things.

We were picked up at 7:50 in a large 4 wheel drive vehicle and set off for a lovely day in the park looking at Aboriginal rock paintings which are amazing and taking a two hour cruise with an Aboriginal guide to see more crocs, which we did, and learn about how these aboriginal people use nature. We ventured as far as Arnhemland, which is the part that was under water so we couldn't drive in on Saturday. Long day, wine and cheese at sunset and then a long bus ride back to our downtown hotel in Darwin for the night (they should have put us up at the airport). The only thing we got to do was get cleaned up, repack a bit, get some sleep (not enough) to get up at 4:30AM to catch a 6:55AM plane which we are still waiting for at 9:48
(yes still AM - not that bad - yet). We should have had a good part of the day in Cairns but who knows when we will get there. We do have most of tomorrow before they pick us up for the dive trip.

Northern Australia is not pretty like New Zealand is, but it sure is majestic. Australia in general is not a pretty country, but the escarpments that make up a good part of the national park are truly majestic, just as Ayers Rock and Kata Tjuta are in the Red Centre.

There may be another chapter before we leave for the dive trip. If not, will report on Thursday, hopefully with some underwater photos of wonderful creatures.

You all be well until we meet again!


  1. It all sounds incredible--truly an unforgettable adventure. Amazingly, you don't seem the least bit tired. Keep on enjoying!

  2. Well you had to hit a few bumps along the way but you seem to be taking them in stride..... good for you!!!!! Interesting about how expensive it is there, had no idea but I guess it's a sign of the times. I'm looking forward to your dive chapter, have fun and take great pics.
